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Official Eleventy Plugins

All official plugins live under the @11ty npm organization and plugin names will include the @11ty/ prefix.

  • Image: A utility to resize and generate images.
  • Fetch: A utility to fetch and cache network requests.
  • <is-land>: A plugin to smartly and efficiently load and initialize client-side components to your web site.
  • Render: A plugin to add shortcodes to render an Eleventy template string (or file) inside of another template.
  • Internationalization (i18n): Utilities to manage pages and linking between localized content on Eleventy projects.
  • RSS: Generate an RSS or Atom feed to allow others to subscribe to your content using a feed reader.
  • Upgrade Helper: A plugin to help you upgrade your Eleventy project between major version releases.
  • Syntax Highlighting: Code syntax highlighting using PrismJS without client-side JavaScript.
  • InputPath to URL: Maps an Eleventy input file path to its output URL.
  • Navigation: A plugin for creating hierarchical navigation in Eleventy projects. Supports breadcrumbs too!
  • HTML <base>: Emulate the <base> element by adding a prefix to all URLs in .html output files.
  • Id Attribute: A plugin to add `id` attributes to headings.
  • Bundle: A plugin create small plain-text bundles of code (CSS, JS, HTML, SVG, etc)
  • Directory Output: A plugin to group and sort console output by directory, with file size and benchmarks.
  • Inclusive Language: A plugin to check for inclusive language in markdown files.

Other pages in Plugins: