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Alex Zappa
- reatlat on GitHub
- Eleventy Contributor on Open Collective 🎈
Member of the Eleventy Super Professional Business Network
Alex Zappa’s Plugins:
- eleventy-plugin-atlasicons The shortcode enables the embedding of atlas-icons as inline SVG icons into templates.
- eleventy-plugin-feathericons Shortcode, allows feather-icons to be embedded as inline svg into templates.
- eleventy-plugin-hubspot will generate HubSpot forms or meeting calendars.
- eleventy-plugin-phosphoricons Shortcode, allows phosphor-icons to be embedded as inline svg into templates.
- eleventy-plugin-speculation-rules This plugin adds support for the Speculation Rules API, which allows defining rules by which certain URLs are dynamically prefetched or prerendered based on user interaction.
- eleventy-plugin-vidyard generate embeds responsive Vidyard videos from share URLs.